Just curious if anyone knows how to customize the sphinx output when using the latexpdf target? I\'ve seen lots of custom stuff for html output, but cant seem to find any ex
Yes i think better or clearer documentation for latex styling would be nice and some examples.
Here is a question on the sphinx mailing list, which is about about using packages.
sphinx has its own latex documentclass in a file called sphinxmanual.cls or sphinxhowto.cls, if i remember correctly its a report documentclass that is used as base. then there is 2 style files, which are the packages, it is those files contents that are called on when you write \usepackage{mylatexstilefile}
Question about using latex packages http://groups.google.com/group/sphinx-dev/browse_thread/thread/890dab5e53fff004
Here is my conf.py.
preamb_old = ur'''
\fancyhead[LE,RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily \@title}} % here's the change
%\color {blue}
%\normalcolor {dark blue}
\pagecolor [RGB]{255, 247, 226}
f = open('graph/static/latexstyling.tex', 'r+')
PREAMBLE = f.read();
latex_elements = {
'classoptions': ',openany',
'babel': '\\usepackage[english]{babel}',
'preamble': PREAMBLE
i don't use preamble_old anymore, but it is an example of changes directly in conf.py, to your latex preamble.
Check out latex_elements and latex_additional_files in the sphinx docs as a starting point.