I have a view which contains two views. One of those views contains two buttons and some text labels. The other one, with alpha set to 0.25, has an UIActivityIndicator
I found these methods very useful:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginIgnoringInteractionEvents];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endIgnoringInteractionEvents];
@IBAction func yourButtonPressed(sender: UIButton) {
if self.activityIndicator.isAnimating() {
//remember the action user asked of you using the sender
} else {
//do your stuff
or you code use self.activityIndicator.animationDidStop to determine when to run your stuff
A quick solution: add a transparent or pseudo transparent view that cover the whole screen. Add your activity indicator on top of this view. When the wait period finishes, remove both views. Get some inspiration.
A better solution, because you can't hide the whole screen in all situations, is to manage the state of the app (ignore actions when the app is 'busy') and disable/enable the appropriate buttons and other controls depending on each app state.
To disable touch event in a view,
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginIgnoringInteractionEvents];
To enable touch event in a view
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endIgnoringInteractionEvents];