I\'ve started a new project, where I use Composer to handle some dependencies, as well as their auto-loading.
I only keep the composer.json file in the VCS, instead
This is actually very simple. Excluding vendors directory from your repository is the right approach. Your code should be stored in a separate place (like src).
Use the autoload property to make that composer recognizes your namespace(s):
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Acme\\": "src/"
Assuming you have class names following the psr-4 standard, it should work. Below some example of class names and their locations on the file system:
Remember to define a namespace for each class. Here's an example of Acme\Command\HelloCommand:
namespace Acme\Command;
class HelloCommand
Don't forget to include the autoloader in your PHP controllers:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Read more on PSR-4 standard on PHP Framework Interoperability Group.
Note that if you edit composer.json
, you need to either run install, update or dump-autoload to refresh the autoloader class paths.