Is there any way to auto-configue Automapper to scan for all profiles in namespace/assembly? What I would like to do is to add mapping profiles to AutoMapper from given asse
Similar to @Martino's answer, but with a MapperConfiguration object. This will add all profiles from the assembly that contains the type MyProfile.
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
var mapper = config.CreateMapper();
public class AutoMapperAdapter : IMapper
private readonly MapperConfigurationExpression _configurationExpression =
new MapperConfigurationExpression();
public void AssertConfigurationIsValid() { Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); }
public void CreateMap<TSource, TDestination>()
_configurationExpression.CreateMap<TSource, TDestination>();
public void Initialize() { Mapper.Initialize(_configurationExpression); }
public TDestination Map<TDestination>(object source)
return Mapper.Map<TDestination>(source);