How to view the table structure in DB2 database
1.use db2 describe table
db2 describe table tabschema.tabname
2.use db2 describe output
db2 "describe select * from tabschema.tabname"
3.use db2look utility
db2look -d dbname -e -t tabname
4.find rows in db2 syscat
db2 "Select * from syscat.columns wher tabname='' and tabschema =''"
Control Center already got the feature of that. It's just below the table list.
I am using Aquadata Studio 12.0.23, which is several versions short of the newest. So your experience may be better than mine. I found that the best way to get an overview was to use the ERD generator. It took a couple of hours, since normalization was not a concept used in the design of this database almost 30 years ago. I was able to get definitions for all of the objects in a few hours, with a file for each.
I am running DB2/LINUXX8664 10.5.3 and describe select * from schema_name.table_name
works for me.
However, describe table schema_name.table_name
fails with this error:
SQL0100W No row was found for FETCH, UPDATE or DELETE; or the result of a
query is an empty table. SQLSTATE=02000
How to view the table structure in db2 database
Open db2
command window, connect to db2 with following command.
Once you connected successfully, issue the following command to view the table structure.
> db2 "describe select * from SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME"
The above command will display db2 table structure in tabular format.
Note: Tested on DB2 Client 9.7.11
drop view lawmod9t.vdesc
create view lawmod9t.vDesc as select
upper(t.table_cat) as Catalog,
upper(t.table_schem) as Schema,
upper(t.table_name) as table,
t.table_text as tableDesc,
c.system_column_name as colname_short,
c.column_name as colname_long,
c.column_text as coldesc,
c.Type_Name as type,
c.column_Size as size
from sysibm.SQLColumns c
inner join sysibm.sqltables t
on c.table_schem = t.table_schem
and c.table_name = t.table_name
select * from vdesc where table = 'YPPPOPL'