Many will found that this is repeating questions but i have gone through all the questions before asked about this topic but none worked for me.
I want to print full
you just want the full path why not use the utility meant for that a combination of readlink and grep should get you what you want
grep -R '--include=*.'{mkv,mp4} ? | cut -d ' ' -f3 | xargs readlink -e #
the question mark should be replaced with the right pattern - this is almost right
# this is probably the best solution remove the grep part if you dont need a filter
find <dirname> | grep .mkv | xargs readlink -e | xargs ls --color=auto # only matroska files in the dir and subdirs with nice color - also you can edit ls flags
find /mnt/mediashare/net/ | grep .mkv
find /mnt/mediashare/net/ | xargs grep -R '--include=*.'{mkv,mp4} . | cut -d ' ' -f3 # I am sure you can do more with grep
readlink -f `ls` # in the directory or