Trying to make a function that uses filter but not a for or while loop or foreach function, that will loop through an array of objects only to return their property values.
Though I realize this thread is super old, I felt it necessary to comment in the event that someone stumbles on it again. I would do it like above just using es6 syntax like this:
objects.filter(obj => obj.key === 'value').map(filteredObj => filteredObj.key);
So the above example would be:
getShortMessages = (messages) => messages.filter(obj => obj.message.length <= 50).map(obj => obj.message);
In addition, I am using ES6 Destructure with filter and compare two object array. And finally map specific fields those i need actually.
const bumperDealRules =[]; // Array object
const cartItems =[]; // Array object
Final code
const bumperDealsSelected = bumperDealRules.filter(
({ item_display_id: item_display_id, purchasequantity: purchasequantity })
=> cartItems.some(({ id: id, action_from: action_from, order_qty: order_qty })
=> id === item_display_id && purchasequantity <= order_qty && action_from == 'bumper_deal' )
).map(function(obj) {
return {
bumper_deal_company_name_id: obj.bumper_deal_company_name_id,
from_amount: obj.from_amount,
to_amount: obj.to_amount,
highest_limit: obj.highest_limit
Use .filter
when you want to get the whole object(s) that match the expected property or properties. Use .map
when you have an array of things and want to do some operation on those things and get the result.
The challenge is to get all of the messages that are 50 characters or less. So you can use filter
to get only the messages that pass that test and then map
to get only the message text.
function getShortMessages(messages) {
return messages
.filter(function(obj) {
return obj.message.length <= 50;
.map(function(obj) {
return obj.message;
If it is possible for the input objects to not have a message
property, you would want to test for it with obj.message && obj.message.length <= 50
like this:
function getShortMessages(messages) {
return messages
.filter(function(obj) {
return obj.message && obj.message.length <= 50;
.map(function(obj) {
return obj.message;
The same code samples in ES6:
const getShortMessages = (messages) => messages
.filter(obj => obj.message.length <= 50)
.map(obj => obj.message);
And if the input objects might not have the message
const getShortMessages = (messages) => messages
.filter(obj => obj.message && obj.message.length <= 50)
.map(obj => obj.message);
With custom return value (Simple ES6 Example);
const customReturnFiltere = (result) => {
return products.filter((obj) => {
return obj.stock !== 0;
.map((finalResult) => {
return {
info: 'product has been filtered if stock is 0'
In case someone is looking for a single pass through it can be done with .reduce()
So instead of doing:
const getShortMessages = (messages) => messages
.filter(obj => obj.message.length <= 50)
.map(obj => obj.message);
You can do:
const getShortMessages = (messages) => {
return messages.reduce((shortMessages, i) => {
if (i.message.length <= 50) {
return shortMessages
Or if you want even shorter hand:
const getShortMessages = (messages) => messages.reduce((shortMessages, item) => (item.message.length <= 50)
? shortMessages=[...shortMessages,item.message] : shortMessages,[])