I am trying to test that the Rails logger receives messages in some of my specs. I am using the Logging gem.
Let\'s say that I have a class like this:
While I agree you generally don't want to test loggers, there are times it may be useful.
I have had success with expectations on Rails.logger
Using RSpec's deprecated should
Rails.logger.should_receive(:info).with("some message")
Using RSpec's newer expect
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("some message")
Note: In controller and model specs, you have to put this line before the message is logged. If you put it after, you'll get an error message like this:
Failure/Error: expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("some message")
(#<ActiveSupport::Logger:0x007f27f72136c8>).info("some message")
expected: 1 time with arguments: ("some message")
received: 0 times
If your goal is to test logging functionality you may also consider verifying the output to standard streams.
This will spare you the mocking process and test whether messages will actually end up where they supposed to (STDOUT/STDERR).
With RSpec's output matcher (introduced in 3.0) you can do the following:
expect { my_method }.to output("my message").to_stdout
expect { my_method }.to output("my error").to_stderr
In case of libraries such as Logger
or Logging
you may have to use output.to_<>_from_any_process
With RSpec 3+ version
Actual code containing single invocation of Rails.logger.error
Rails.logger.error "Some useful error message"
Spec code:
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).with(/error message/)
If you want the error message to be actually logged while the spec runs then use following code:
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).with(/error message/).and_call_original
Actual code containing multiple invocations of Rails.logger.error
Rails.logger.error "Technical Error Message"
Rails.logger.error "User-friendly Error Message"
Spec code:
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).ordered
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).with(/User-friendly Error /).ordered.and_call_original
Also if you care about just matching the first message and not any subsequent messages then you can use following
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:debug).with("Technical Error Message").ordered.and_call_original
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:debug).at_least(:once).with(instance_of(String)).ordered
Note in above variation setting .ordered
is important else expectations set start failing.
Instead of using this line before the message is logged:
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("some message")
something that triggers the logger...
You could set the Rails logger as a spy and use have_received
allow(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).at_least(:once)
something that triggers the logger...
expect(Rails.logger).to have_received(:info).with("some message").once
Even I had very similar error:
Failure/Error: expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("some message")
(#<ActiveSupport::Logger:0x007f27f72136c8>).info("some message")
expected: 1 time with arguments: ("some message")
received: 0 times
The below worked for me,
expect { my_method }.
to output(/error messsage/).to_stdout_from_any_process
Reference: https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers/output-matcher
If you want to keep consistency in your tests, but setting the expectations at last you need to add in your setup:
setup do
allow(Rails.logger).to receive(:info)
it 'should log an info message' do
expect(Rails.logger).to have_received(:info).with('Starting the worker...')