I have a makefile, which includes several other makefiles, which in turn all add to a variable like this:
VAR := Something SomethingElse
VAR += SomeOtherThin
On top of the correct answer above:
VAR = bla1 bla2 bla3 bla4 bla5
VAR = $(filter-out bla3, $(TMPVAR))
@echo "VAR is: $(VAR)"
VAR is: bla1 bla2 bla4 bla5
Note that this breaks all "recursivity" when filter-out is executed, but that might not matter in your case.
As I also have a similar situation, I want to add a new answer. In my case there were also commas into the variable string and, more, I wanted to remove the comma and the last word :
VAR = "bla1, bla2"
In this case filter out is not working (not even in the previous answers, when there are no quotes)
My solution is to use subst
VAR = "bla1, bla2"
TTT = , bla2
SUBST = $(subst $(TTT),, $(TMPVAR))
FILT = $(filter-out $(TTT), $(TMPVAR))
@echo "subst : $(SUBST)"
@echo "filter-out : $(FILT)"
You could use the filter-out text function if you're using GNU Make.
OTHERVAR := $(filter-out SomethingElse,$(VAR))