I have a div area that has an arbitrary number of characters. I want to limit the amount of characters that show up in there to 175 characters. I mostly found exaple on how
I just did this for one of my projects. I found this great plugin.
Replace div with the correct identifier for your content:
$("div").text($(this).text().substr(0, 175)+'...');
Remove the ellipses from the end if desired. I would recommend leaving them to let your users know that the text was shortened. If you are just trying to limit the text to 175 without any notice, then you may choose to remove them in that case as well.
You can use the the form of text() that takes a function and write something like:
$("div.some-area").text(function(index, currentText) {
return currentText.substr(0, 175);
var textis="";textis=$(".some-area").html().substring(0, 175);$(".some-area").html(textis);
Instead of just cutting it off at 175 characters, add an ellipsis to the div if the text runs over the maximum width: https://web.archive.org/web/20110828173959/http://plugins.jquery.com/plugin-tags/ellipsis