I am using my company provided enterprise distribution profile (I donot have the userid/password to create the distribution profile) to distribute application. Recently I ha
With the new Xcode 6 we need to log-in using a apple id which is signed in apple developer program or is a member of the apple developer program. Without developer account id we cannot built ipa with new Xcode. I was able to build the app after log-in to the app id.
I just hit this same problem. It appears that xcode 6 has added an arbirary restriction on exporting ipas with provisioning profiles that you aren't a team member of. You can get around it by manually exporting and signing using the cli.
I got the same issue and found this article which helped me a lot about creating an IPA from command line : http://www.thecave.com/2014/09/16/using-xcodebuild-to-export-a-ipa-from-an-archive/
Since you already have your xcarchive created, only the last part is important :
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath $projectname.xcarchive -exportPath $projectname -exportFormat ipa -exportProvisioningProfile “Provisioning Profile Name”
As mentioned in the article, the “Provisioning Profile Name”
parameter is neither the name of the provisioning file nor the UDID, but the name of the provisioning as created in the iOS Dev Center. You can get it from Xcode (it's the name of the profile you used to compile) or using the iPhone Configuration Utility App http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1465