I\'d like to be able to write a PHP class that behaves like an array and uses normal array syntax for getting & setting.
For example (where Foo is a PHP class of
If you extend ArrayObject
or implement ArrayAccess
then you can do what you want.
Nope, casting just results in a normal PHP array -- losing whatever functionality your ArrayObject-derived class had. Check this out:
class CaseInsensitiveArray extends ArrayObject {
public function __construct($input = array(), $flags = 0, $iterator_class = 'ArrayIterator') {
if (isset($input) && is_array($input)) {
$tmpargs = func_get_args();
$tmpargs[0] = array_change_key_case($tmpargs[0], CASE_LOWER);
return call_user_func_array(array('parent', __FUNCTION__), $tmp args);
return call_user_func_array(array('parent', __FUNCTION__), func_get_args());
public function offsetExists($index) {
if (is_string($index)) return parent::offsetExists(strtolower($index));
return parent::offsetExists($index);
public function offsetGet($index) {
if (is_string($index)) return parent::offsetGet(strtolower($index));
return parent::offsetGet($index);
public function offsetSet($index, $value) {
if (is_string($index)) return parent::offsetSet(strtolower($index, $value));
return parent::offsetSet($index, $value);
public function offsetUnset($index) {
if (is_string($index)) return parent::offsetUnset(strtolower($index));
return parent::offsetUnset($index);
$blah = new CaseInsensitiveArray(array(
echo "is array: ".is_array($blah)."\n";
echo $blah['a']."\n";
echo $blah['BCD']."\n";
echo $blah['eFg']."\n";
echo $blah['A']."\n";
As expected, the array_keys() call fails. In addition, is_array($blah) returns false. But if you change the constructor line to:
$blah = (array)new CaseInsensitiveArray(array(
then you just get a normal PHP array (is_array($blah) returns true, and array_keys($blah) works), but all of the functionality of the ArrayObject-derived subclass is lost (in this case, case-insensitive keys no longer work). Try running the above code both ways, and you'll see what I mean.
PHP should either provide a native array in which the keys are case-insensitive, or make ArrayObject be castable to array without losing whatever functionality the subclass implements, or just make all array functions accept ArrayObject instances.