I am working on a Java Project in Eclipse. I created a user library called \"Spring\" and added all the Spring jars to it. My question is, where does Eclipse store this libr
Eclipse does not copy any of the contents of a User Library, it is merely a container with machine-specific absolute paths. The User Library definitions are stored in the workspace; specifically, in .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
The idea behind a User Library is that it is an abstraction above a collection of JARs that exist outside the project(s); each workspace must declare the contents for itself, since they are external to Eclipse projects.
You can export them from the workspace where you created them, and import them into the workspace where you want them.
Old: Window -> preferences -> Java -> User Libraries -> import/export
New (not sure what eclipse version this change was introduced): Window -> preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries -> import/export
If that's what you were trying to do (this is how I was led to this webpage)
Thanks @Jorn Vernee for the new version correction