I’m a bit new to Backbone.js, but am already impressed by everything it can do for me, and am trying to learn the patterns and best practices now.
I have two collect
If you're using jQuery, use when
//success code here.
You pass in one or more deferreds to $.when
. It so happens that the "jqXHR" that collections return implements the promise/Deferred interface that can be combined into a new promise using $.when
. The requests will essentially be concurrent (well, as much as javascript allows) and the function passed to .done
will execute only when both fetches are successful.
As @JayC said you could use $.when
from jQuery, other option that I prefer is the after
function (from Underscore), which execute one time just after expected calls are completed.
function runMyApp(){
// run the needed code here.
console.log('This will run one time but until both fetch are being completed.');
//2 because you have two collections
var renderApp = _.after(2, runMyApp);
collA.fetch({success: renderApp});
collB.fetch({success: renderApp});
I like @JayC's answer if you have to fetch each collection individually. You could argue that a single fetch to the server would be better as opposed to multiple fetches. If you are fetching this data on application load, I would do a single call to the server and then pass the data to your relevant collections. It truly depends on how many collections you have to fetch on application load, but I honestly prefer making one call to the server then passing the data to my relevant collections.
url: "path/to/app-load-data"
}).done(function(data) {
collA = new CollA(data.collA);
collB = new CollB(data.collB);
This obviously will depend if you can manipulate your api and the above does not follow REST. But then again you are making one call to the server as opposed to multiple calls.