I use jQuery Autosize plugin:
The script itself you can see here:
You may have declared a function, inside a function, after you needed it. This was my problem.
FWIW the autosize invocation method has changed. If you end up here and are using it with jQuery
Previously it was
The new invocation is
the "TypeError: (intermediate value)(...) is not a function"
pops up as the result of missing a semi colon on the function BEFORE the one it throws an error on. It might be as simple as:
); //<-----
or it could be the function declared before that. An example of how this is cause is in this code:
var populate = function(sw) {
myglobalswitch = sw;
window.setTimeout(repopulate, 250, sw);
(function( $ ) {
$.widget( "custom.combobox", {
_create: function() {
})( jQuery );
results in the Intermediate value is not... on the last line: })( jQuery );
However, the fix is adding a semi colon to the populate function:
var populate = function(sw) {
myglobalswitch = sw;
window.setTimeout(repopulate, 250, sw);
} ;
to prevent the parser from thinking that "var populate = ... " and (function($) ... are a single statement, the second extending from the first.