In other words, how does the implementation keeps track of the count?
Is there a map-like object maintained which is accessible by all the shared_ptr
Many answers address the way the reference count is stored (it is stored in a shared memory for all shared_ptr that hold the same native pointer), but most elude the problem of leaks.
The easiest way of leaking memory with reference counted pointers is creating cycles. As an example, a doubly linked list where all the pointers are shared_ptr with at least two elements is guaranteed not to be deleted. Even if external pointers are freed, the internal pointers will still count, and the reference count will not reach 0. That is, at least, with the most naïve implementation.
The easiest solution to the cycle problem is mixing shared_ptr (reference counted pointers) with weak pointers that do not share the ownership of the object.
Shared pointers will share both the resource (pointer) and the additional reference_count information. When you use weak pointers, the reference count is doubled: there is a shared pointer reference count and a weak pointer reference count. The resource is released whenever the shared pointer count reaches 0, but the reference_count information is left alive until the last weak pointer is released.
In the doubly linked list, the external reference is held in a shared_ptr, while the internal links are just weak_ptr. Whenever there are no external references (shared_ptr) the elements of the list are released, deleting the weak references. At the end all weak references have been deleted and the last weak pointer to each resources frees the reference_count information.
It is less confusing than the above text seems... I'll try again later.