I\'m currently upgrading one of our projects to CakePHP 2.0. Unfortunately the \"first line\" of code makes problems, and I can\'t find a solution to that problem.
Assume you'r vendor file located /app/vendors/facebook/facebook.php
The following line should do the same like App:: import() in the older version of CakePHP
require_once(ROOT . DS . 'app' . DS .'Vendor' . DS . 'facebook' . DS . 'src' . DS . 'facebook.php');
$facebookApi = new facebook();
Vendors cannot be loaded using App::uses()
in CakePHP, this is because CakePHP cannot expect external libraries to follow the same standards regarding folder and file naming. You can still use App::import('Vendor', ...)
as you did in version 1.3 of the framework.
Now, using App::import()
for vendors is kind of silly, if you think about it. It is just an expensive, verbose and very silly wrapper for require_once()
In 2.0, we actually encourage people to use require or require_once for their Vendor libraries. You can get the location of the Vendor folder using App::path('Vendor')
or just APP . 'Vendor' . DS
Cake documentation suggest using App::uses() including-files-with-app-import
However, it also states if you have a non-stanard plugin to use App::Import()
App::import('Vendor', 'phpQuery', array('file' => 'bariew/phpquery/phpQuery/phpQuery.php'));