I have few div\'s placed underneath each other and I\'m using css visibility to fade them in and out. The reason why I use visibility is so that the div\'s don\'t move place
I had a similar problem and I solved it this way:
To fade in :
$("#id").css({visibility:"visible", opacity: 0.0}).animate({opacity: 1.0},200);
To fade out:
$("#id").animate({opacity: 0.0}, 200, function(){
As you can see, I hide the div "#id" once the animation has ended. I hope it's not too late
$('.drop1').css({opacity: 1.0, visibility: "visible"}).animate({opacity: 0}, 200);
.drop1{ opacity: 0.0; }
$('.drop1').fadeTo( "slow" , 1.0);
I know this is an old post but I came across a similar situation and this is what I ended up doing
$(".drop1").css("visibility", "visible").show().fadeOut(5000);
why make it so hard, instead of animating the css, you could use the default fade functionality
if you however want to fade it out without losing the height . you can use fadeTo(duration, opacity, [callback]);
$('.drop1').fadeTo(200, 0);
check this example: http://jsfiddle.net/ufLwy/1/
I was having similar issues, and here's what I ended up doing.
$.fadeToHidden = function ( selector, duration, complete ) {
$( selector ).fadeTo( duration, 0 )
).done( function(){
$( selector ).css('visibility', 'hidden')
The reason I did this is that
EDIT Alternatively, you could apply to "visibility:hidden" to each individual element once their respective animation is complete. This may be slightly quicker for selecting larger groups of elements, since you're only querying the DOM for the group of elements once.
$.fadeToHidden = function ( selector, duration, complete ) {
$( selector ).fadeTo( duration, 0 , function(){
$(this).css('visibility', 'hidden');
} )
).done( complete );