I am trying to run a docker example following this documentation
This is my command:
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx
In my case, port 80 is the default port for the web server and therefore it is protected. I changed the bind to port 60:8080 to ensure no deeper issues. Changing the bind to a different port allows me to execute the docker run and hit it in the browser at http://ip:60
For the first time, when i made a docker simple web app, i also faced same problem.
Simply you can try the following steps to resolve the problem and also able to understand the reason why you had faced the problem in details.
Step-1: check all the running containers using the command:
docker ps
Step-2: Find out the container id of the container which is running on the same port, you are trying to reach. enter image description here
step-3: Stop the container which one is running on the same port using this command:
docker stop <container id>
step-4: Again build the container:
docker build -t DockerID/projectName .
step-5: Again try to run your container on the same port using port mapping.
docker run -p 8080:8080 DockerID/projectName
From your error message, the EADDRINUSE
indicates port 80 is already in use on either the docker VM or possibly directly on your laptop. You can either stop whatever is running on that port, or change the port used in your Docker, command. To change to the external port 8080, use:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name webserver nginx
If you are the port i not in use, try restarting docker. That usually works for me.
This seems to be an incompatibility problem with windows "fast-boot" as described here: (just restart the docker service) and it may work.
This is caused by an incompatibility with Docker and fastboot. You can either make sure you stop all containers before shutting Windows down or you can disable fastboot in Windows' power settings by doing the following:
CTRL+R > "powercfg.cpl" > "Choose what the power buttons do" > "Change settings that are currently unavailable" > Deselect "Turn on fast start-up"
You can also disable fastboot with a single command in powershell if you're comfortable doing so:
Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power\' -Name HiberbootEnabled -Value 0
Recently this problem started to happen a lot on Windows. You can try restarting docker or you can manually stop docker before Windows shutdown - docker starts cleanly on reboot. On 7/24/2018 docker issue is open and further details can be found at https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/1967