I am trying to run a shell command, capture stdout and write that output to a file. However, I seem to be missing a few steps, as the file I am trying to write is empty when
Thanks to KirkMcDonald on the #go-nuts
irc channel, I solved this by assigning the output file to cmd.Stdout, which means that stdout writes directly to the file. It looks like this:
package main
import (
func main() {
cmd := exec.Command("echo", "'WHAT THE HECK IS UP'")
// open the out file for writing
outfile, err := os.Create("./out.txt")
if err != nil {
defer outfile.Close()
cmd.Stdout = outfile
err = cmd.Start(); if err != nil {
You can also use:
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
which will redirect all cmd output to the OS' standard output.
You need to flush the writer. Add the following:
writer := bufio.NewWriter(outfile)
defer writer.Flush()