How can I fill the remainder of a line with the specified character up to a certain column using Vim? For example, imagine that the cursor is on column four and I want to fi
You can do 80Ax<Esc>d80|
for a simpler solution.
Using the textwidth
value is also possible. It allows for different maximum line widths depending on filetype (check :h 'tw'
). Here is what I now use, it appends a space after existing line content if present and will prompt for the string to use for the pattern:
function! FillLine() abort
if &textwidth
let l:str = input('FillLine>')
.s/\m\(\S\+\)$/\1 /e " Add space after content (if present).
" Calculate how many repetitions will fit.
let l:lastcol = col('$')-1 " See :h col().
if l:lastcol > 1
let l:numstr = float2nr(floor((&textwidth-l:lastcol)/len(l:str)))
let l:numstr = float2nr(floor(&textwidth/len(l:str)))
if l:numstr > 0
.s/\m$/\=(repeat(l:str, l:numstr))/ " Append repeated pattern.
echohl WarningMsg
echom "FillLine requires nonzero textwidth setting"
echohl None
You can map it for quick access of course. I like:
nnoremap <Leader>' :call FillLine()<Cr>
Note that the calculation assumes simple ASCII characters are being inserted. For more complicated strings, len(l:str)
might not work. From :h strlen()
If you want to count the number of multi-byte characters use strchars().
Also see len(), strdisplaywidth() and strwidth().
This answer answers your question. Just replace len computation with your desired column number (+/- 1 may be, I never remember), and remove the enclosing double-quotes added by the substitution.