As I mentioned in the comment, cloud computing seems to be what you are looking for.
In addition to the paper I already linked to, I came by another solution that doesn't involve buying additional licenses for installing MATLAB on the cloud.
Instead it compiles your program into a standalone executable (this requires the MATLAB Compiler on your existing platform). This executable along with the freely available MCR runtime are the only things transferred to the cloud.
To be exact, the author is using sockets to build a server that sits in the cloud listening for connections. This is the part that is compiled into an executable, with only the MCR as dependency. It takes the input, EVAL
-uates it, and sends back the results when done.
The client side (MATLAB script on your side), connects to the server, and sends it commands to be run along with serialized data needed. This is inherently scalable as you can run servers on as many instances as you want (as many as you can afford really), and simply dividing the work among them. Obviously it requires a little bit of work to rewrite your program into breakable tasks.
I think this is really what the MATLAB Distributed Computing solution is doing but with all the gory details abstracted away... Check it out to see if it fits your needs: Using Amazon EC2 to speed up matlab optimisation