I\'m trying to load some additional tile layers on my map but I can\'t quite figure it out. The ones that I currently have I only have thanks to someone that provided a tut
I actually finally found the answer.
The URL string needed to be updated to
The available styles ({id}) are
Full list of Mapbox classic map IDs, ie for Leaflet, are at https://www.mapbox.com/api-documentation/#maps.
At the time of writing the IDs are:
Actually, the new tile layers 'styles' that Mapbox was referring to were vector tile layers.
Mapbox-GL JS uses vector styles which you listed (xxx-v9). (up to date as of 05/2019)
Mapbox JS is built on top of Leaflet (L.tilelayer())
and uses raster tilesets, which are images. Here are the available basemaps from Mapbox.