Can someone show me a working example of how to generate a SHA hash of a string that I have, say myPassword := \"beautiful\"
, using Go 1 ?
The docs pa
The package documentation at does have an example that demonstrates this. It's stated as an example of the New function, but it's the only example on the page and it has a link right near the top of the page so it is worth looking at. The complete example is,
h := sha1.New()
io.WriteString(h, "His money is twice tainted: 'taint yours and 'taint mine.")
fmt.Printf("% x", h.Sum(nil))
59 7f 6a 54 00 10 f9 4c 15 d7 18 06 a9 9a 2c 87 10 e7 47 bd
h := sha1.New()
sha := h.Sum(nil) // "sha" is uint8 type, encoded in base16
shaStr := hex.EncodeToString(sha) // String representation
fmt.Printf("%x\n", sha)