I\'m pretty new at bash so this is a pretty noob question..
Suppose I have a string:
string1 [string2] string3 string4
I would like
Another awk
$ echo "string1 [string2] string3 [string4]" |
awk -v RS=[ -v FS=] 'NR>1{print $1}'
In pure bash:
STR="string1 [string2] string3 string4"
echo $STR
Inline solution could be:
a="first \"Foo1\" and second \"Foo2\""
echo ${a#*\"} | { read b; echo ${b%%\"*}; }
You can test in single line:
a="first \"Foo1\" and second \"Foo2\""; echo ${a#*\"} | { read b; echo ${b%%\"*}; }
Output: Foo1
Example with brackets:
a="first [Foo1] and second [Foo2]"
echo ${a#*[} | { read b; echo ${b%%]*}; }
That in one line:
a="first [Foo1] and second [Foo2]"; echo ${a#*[} | { read b; echo ${b%%]*}; }
Output: Foo1