I\'m pretty new at bash so this is a pretty noob question..
Suppose I have a string:
string1 [string2] string3 string4
I would like
Here's one way using awk:
echo "string1 [string2] string3 string4" | awk -F'[][]' '{print $2}'
This sed option also works:
echo "string1 [string2] string3 string4" | sed 's/.*\[\([^]]*\)\].*/\1/g'
Here's a breakdown of the sed command:
s/ <-- this means it should perform a substitution
.* <-- this means match zero or more characters
\[ <-- this means match a literal [ character
\( <-- this starts saving the pattern for later use
[^]]* <-- this means match any character that is not a [ character
the outer [ and ] signify that this is a character class
having the ^ character as the first character in the class means "not"
\) <-- this closes the saving of the pattern match for later use
\] <-- this means match a literal ] character
.* <-- this means match zero or more characters
/\1 <-- this means replace everything matched with the first saved pattern
(the match between "\(" and "\)" )
/g <-- this means the substitution is global (all occurrences on the line)
Here is an awk example, but I'm matching on parenthesis which also makes it more obvious of how the -F works.
echo 'test (lskdjf)' | awk -F'[()]' '{print $2}'
Here's another one , but it takes care of multiple occurrences, eg
$ echo "string1 [string2] string3 [string4 string5]" | awk -vRS="]" -vFS="[" '{print $2}'
string4 string5
The simple logic is this, you split on "]" and go through the split words finding a "[", then split on "[" to get the first field. In Python
for item in "string1 [string2] string3 [string4 string5]".split("]"):
if "[" in item:
print item.split("]")[-1]
Try this:
echo $str | cut -d "[" -f2 | cut -d "]" -f1
Specify awk multiple delimiters with -F '[delimiters]'
If the delimiters are square brackets, put them back to back like this ][
awk -F '[][]' '{print $2}'
otherwise you will have to escape them
awk -F '[\\[\\]]' '{print $2}'
Other examples to get the value between the brackets:
echo "string1 (string2) string3" | awk -F '[()]' '{print $2}'
echo "string1 {string2} string3" | awk -F '[{}]' '{print $2}'
Read file in which the delimiter is square brackets:
$ cat file
To print the value present within the brackets:
$ awk -F '[][]' '{print $2}' file
At the first sight, the delimiter used in the above command might be confusing. Its simple. 2 delimiters are to be used in this case: One is [ and the other is ]. Since the delimiters itself is square brackets which is to be placed within the square brackets, it looks tricky at the first instance.
Note: If square brackets are delimiters, it should be put in this way only, meaning first ] followed by [. Using the delimiter like -F '[[]]' will give a different interpretation altogether.
Refer this link: http://www.theunixschool.com/2012/07/awk-10-examples-to-read-files-with.html