After updating the Android SDK, I started Android Studio. Now its showing background task continuously running with message
Updating indices: Scannin
This happens to me after updating the Android Gradle plugin version from (3.5.3) to (3.6.2) and Gradle version from (5.4.1) to (5.6.4) it solved after downgrading the plugin again to change Android Gradle plugin version and Gradle version: File > Project Structure > Project
I struggled with this issue for almost one hour, and after that found that this is the adb connection issue, you can disconnect your device once and stops all the working adb processes. This issue may get resolved.
Unplug all the phones and plug them again, it gets working. It is related to adb as stated here : and a known bug that is to be fixed in the future
Stopping and closing the emulators that I had running solved this issue for me on the latest version of Android Studio.