How to implement three stacks using a single array

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情书的邮戳 2020-12-23 15:10

I came across this problem in an interview website. The problem asks for efficiently implement three stacks in a single array, such that no stack overflows until there is no

  • 2020-12-23 15:39

    A rather silly but effective solution could be:

    • Store the first stack elements at i*3 positions: 0,3,6,...
    • Store the second stack elements at i*3+1 positions: 1,4,7...
    • And third stack elements at i*3+2 positions.

    The problem with this solution is that the used memory will be always three times the size of the deepest stack and that you can overflow even when there are available positions at the array.

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  • 2020-12-23 15:41

    Another solution in PYTHON, please let me know if that works as what you think.

        class Stack(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.stack = list()
            self.first_length = 0
            self.second_length = 0
            self.third_length = 0
            self.first_pointer = 0
            self.second_pointer = 1
        def push(self, stack_num, item):
            if stack_num == 1:
                self.first_pointer += 1
                self.second_pointer += 1
                self.first_length += 1
                self.stack.insert(0, item)
            elif stack_num == 2:
                self.second_length += 1
                self.second_pointer += 1
                self.stack.insert(self.first_pointer, item)
            elif stack_num == 3:
                self.third_length += 1
                self.stack.insert(self.second_pointer - 1, item)
                raise Exception('Push failed, stack number %d is not allowd' % stack_num)
        def pop(self, stack_num):
            if stack_num == 1:
                if self.first_length == 0:
                    raise Exception('No more element in first stack')
                self.first_pointer -= 1
                self.first_length -= 1
                self.second_pointer -= 1
                return self.stack.pop(0)
            elif stack_num == 2:
                if self.second_length == 0:
                    raise Exception('No more element in second stack')
                self.second_length -= 1
                self.second_pointer -= 1
                return self.stack.pop(self.first_pointer)
            elif stack_num == 3:
                if self.third_length == 0:
                    raise Exception('No more element in third stack')
                self.third_length -= 1
                return self.stack.pop(self.second_pointer - 1)
        def peek(self, stack_num):
            if stack_num == 1:
                return self.stack[0]
            elif stack_num == 2:
                return self.stack[self.first_pointer]
            elif stack_num == 3:
                return self.stack[self.second_pointer]
                raise Exception('Peek failed, stack number %d is not allowd' % stack_num)
        def size(self):
            return len(self.items)
    s = Stack()
    # push item into stack 1
    s.push(1, '1st_stack_1')
    s.push(1, '2nd_stack_1')
    s.push(1, '3rd_stack_1')
    ## push item into stack 2
    s.push(2, 'first_stack_2')
    s.push(2, 'second_stack_2')
    s.push(2, 'third_stack_2')
    ## push item into stack 3
    s.push(3, 'FIRST_stack_3')
    s.push(3, 'SECOND_stack_3')
    s.push(3, 'THIRD_stack_3')
    print 'Before pop out: '
    for i, elm in enumerate(s.stack):
        print '\t\t%d)' % i, elm
    print 'After pop out: '
    for i, elm in enumerate(s.stack):
        print '\t\t%d)' % i, elm
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  • 2020-12-23 15:42

    Assuming that all array positions should be used to store values - I guess it depends on your definition of efficiency.

    If you do the two stack solution, place the third stack somewhere in the middle, and track both its bottom and top, then most operations will continue to be efficient, at a penalty of an expensive Move operation (of the third stack towards wherever free space remains, moving to the half way point of free space) whenever a collision occurs.

    It's certainly going to be quick to code and understand. What are our efficiency targets?

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  • 2020-12-23 15:45

    Perhaps you can implement N number of stacks or queues in the single array. My defination of using single array is that we are using single array to store all the data of all the stacks and queues in the single array, anyhow we can use other N array to keep track of indices of all elements of particular stack or queue.

    solution : store data sequentially to in the array during the time of insertion in any of the stack or queue. and store it's respective index to the index keeping array of that particular stack or queue.

    for eg : you have 3 stacks (s1, s2, s3) and you want to implement this using a single array (dataArray[]). Hence we will make 3 other arrays (a1[], a2[], a3[]) for s1, s2 and s3 respectively which will keep track of all of their elements in dataArray[] by saving their respective index.

    insert(s1, 10) at dataArray[0] a1[0] = 0;
    insert(s2, 20) at dataArray[1] a2[0] = 1;
    insert(s3, 30) at dataArray[2] a3[0] = 2;
    insert(s1, 40) at dataArray[3] a1[1] = 3;
    insert(s3, 50) at dataArray[4] a3[1] = 4;
    insert(s3, 60) at dataArray[5] a3[2] = 5;
    insert(s2, 30) at dataArray[6] a2[1] = 6;

    and so on ...

    now we will perform operation in dataArray[] by using a1, a2 and a3 for respective stacks and queues.

    to pop an element from s1 return a1[0] shift all elements to left

    do similar approach for other operations too and you can implement any number of stacks and queues in the single array.

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  • 2020-12-23 15:46

    First stack grows from left to right.

    Second stack grows from right to left.

    Third stack starts from the middle. Suppose odd sized array for simplicity. Then third stack grows like this:

    * * * * * * * * * * *
          5 3 1 2 4

    First and second stacks are allowed to grow maximum at the half size of array. The third stack can grow to fill in the whole array at a maximum.

    Worst case scenario is when one of the first two arrays grows at 50% of the array. Then there is a 50% waste of the array. To optimise the efficiency the third array must be selected to be the one that grows quicker than the other two.

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  • 2020-12-23 15:47

    In this approach, any stack can grow as long as there is any free space in the array. We sequentially allocate space to the stacks and we link new blocks to the previous block. This means any new element in a stack keeps a pointer to the previous top element of that particular stack.

    int stackSize = 300;
    int indexUsed = 0;
    int[] stackPointer = {-1,-1,-1};
    StackNode[] buffer = new StackNode[stackSize * 3];
    void push(int stackNum, int value) {
        int lastIndex = stackPointer[stackNum];
        stackPointer[stackNum] = indexUsed;
        buffer[stackPointer[stackNum]]=new StackNode(lastIndex,value);
    int pop(int stackNum) {
        int value = buffer[stackPointer[stackNum]].value;
        int lastIndex = stackPointer[stackNum];
        stackPointer[stackNum] = buffer[stackPointer[stackNum]].previous;
        buffer[lastIndex] = null;
        return value;
    int peek(int stack) { return buffer[stackPointer[stack]].value; }
    boolean isEmpty(int stackNum) { return stackPointer[stackNum] == -1; }
    class StackNode {
        public int previous;
        public int value;
        public StackNode(int p, int v){
            value = v;
            previous = p;
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