What will I need to use Etsy\'s Statsd in a Windows Environment? My intentions are to create a .net client to use Statsd.
We've re-built Graphite/StatsD in pure .NET. It is currently being used in production environment, processing around 600M datapoints daily.
There is quite a few open-source StatsD client implementations available in different Language including C#.NET. Etsy provide one on their github examples, also check out AppFirst version of statsd_clients.
Your best bet is to have a Linux server with statsd and Graphite installed. You would then just need to write some C# code to make the UDP call to get the metric into the system.
[UPDATE (6/23/2014): I came across a statsd/Graphite clone called statsd.net that looks promising but largely lacking on the Graphite side of the equation. I still think the best bet is to use the actual statsd/Graphite projects since any clone is necessary playing catch-up.]
Full Disclosure: I'm the author of these two projects and I wrote them because I couldn't take etsy's statsd service to production - my organisation isn't ready to deploy and support nodejs-based services.
I had the same problem in my organisation - we're a windows-centric environment that wants to collect stats from all over the world into a single graphite repository. I had initially thought of using etsy's statsd but my company is not yet ready to roll with nodejs services in production. Along the way I found that having my own aggregation service meant I can do lots of interesting things like add memcached support for scalability, add new aggregators and so on.
The service is usable in console mode right now, and will be ready for production use from the 29th of May 2013 onwards.
Current statsd and nodejs versions allow you to run statsd on Windows without amendments. statsd package.json file already contains scripts to install and uninstall it as Windows service.
The installation procedure would be:
cd \StatsD
npm install https://github.com/etsy/statsd.git
directory create your own config.json
cd node_modules\statsd
and npm run-script install-windows-service
However, Graphite only runs on Linux.
You need a statsd server to connect to.
You also need a client library to connect to it, e.g. this one and the nuget package of it.