I\'m using Laravel 5 and would like to use the barryvdh/laravel-debugbar. After the installation and configuration the bar is not showing.
I did the following:
Paste this lines in your Config/app.php
surely it will work
'Debugbar' => Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade::class,
Open the terminal and to do like this as your wise
1) Install DebugBar
A) Install the debuger 2.4 (Documentation)
composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar:~2.4
You will also need to add in providers
array in config/app.php
B) Install the debuger 3.0 (Documentation)
composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev
2) After that, you need to update the composer
composer update
3) Then after you need to add a line to .env
4) Clear cache and config
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:cache
I had this issue because I had catchall route in routes.php
Here was my fix:
clear the cache
c:path/to/your/project> php artisan cache:clear
c:path/to/your/project> php artisan route:clear
load your poject home page in your browser and confirm that you can see the debugbar
Hopefully this helps someone else.
I have had the same trouble, and it is usually solved clearing route caching.
php artisan route:clear
It seemed to be an issue which was already fixed, and you can find about it in the repository issue #287, but I'm still finding it from time to time.
If you're daft like me sometimes this can help.
At the bottom of your page, make sure you don't write a <script />
but use the full closure eg. <script></script>
This was my problem.
you can go to...
project foler name->app->app.php
set and 'debug' => true,
This is working perfectly..