Have you tried Automatic Makefile Generator?
It supports for the following compilers:
Borland 3.1
Borland 5.0
Borland 5.0, 16 bit
Borland 5.5
Borland 5.6
Borland 5.8
Gnu g++
Gnu g++, dynamic library
Intel 5, 6, 7 for Linux
Intel 5, 6, 7 for Linux, dynamic library
Intel 5, 6, 7 for windows
Intel 8,9,10 for Linux
Intel 8,9,10 for Linux, dynamic library
Intel 8,9 for windows
Intel 10 for windows
Visual C++ 5
Visual C++ 6, 7, 7.1
Visual C++ 8
Open Watcom
Watcom 10A
Watcom 10A, 16 bit