I am getting below error:
emulator: ERROR: Unfortunately, there\'s an incompatibility between HAXM hypervisor and VirtualBox 4.3.30+ which doesn\'t
I had the same problem. While researching I found out about this https://forums.docker.com/t/cant-using-docker-for-mac-with-android-emulator-haxm/8939/3
Apparently, Docker and Android emulators using HAXM cannot run together. I had Docker running in my system. I stopped it and the emulator was able to run without a problem.
If you have Docker installed and running, stop it and try again.
There was an update on the thread that Mehmed found It is not necessary to stop Docker. If you have run all the Android Studio updates, you have the Intel installer already downloaded at Users/your_user/Library/Android/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/IntelHAXM_6.1.1.dmg. You need to run the installer yourself.
You likely have two emulators that are trying to use the same resources on the computer i.e. both the Google one and the Genymotion (VirtualBox) one. Who knows how long/if that will be addressed. If you are running Genymotion you use VirtualBox. So, try to run the Oracle VM Virtual Box Manager and check that no virtual machines are running and shut down any that are. You should be able to run emulators in studio again, just make sure you pick one (Genymotion) or the other (Android AVD manager).
In my case (macOS), stop/quit docker does not help. I need to run boot2docker poweroff