I got an array of ActiveRecord models that I wish to convert to a CSV. I tried researching gems like FasterCSV, but they just seem to work with strings and arrays, not Activ
This might be off the original question but solve the problem. If you plan to make all or some of your Active Record models be able to convert to csv, you can use ActiveRecord concern. An example is shown below
module Csvable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
class_methods do
def to_csv(*attributes)
CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv|
csv << attributes
all.each do |record|
csv << attributes.map { |attr| record.send(attr) }
The attribute provided will be used as the header for the CSV and it is expected that this attribute corresponds to methods name in the included class. Then you can include it in any ActiveRecord class of your choice, in this case, the User class
class User
include Csvable
User.where(id: [1, 2, 4]).to_csv(:id, :name, :age)
Note: This only works for ActiveRecord relation and not for arrays
with julia_builder you can configure a csv export pretty easily.
class UserCsv < Julia::Builder
# specify column's header and value
column 'Birthday', :dob
# header equals 'Birthday' and the value will be on `user.dbo`
# when header and value are the same, no need to duplicate it.
column :name
# header equals 'name', value will be `user.name`
# when you need to do some extra work on the value you can pass a proc.
column 'Full name', -> { "#{ name.capitalize } #{ last_name.capitalize }" }
# or you can pass a block
column 'Type' do |user|
and then
users = User.all