How select first 10 records, Then the next 10, Then the next 10, and so long as the array will not end.
Phrases = bannersPhrases.Select(x=>x.Phrase).Take(
You can use .Skip()
.This will return the next 10 items:
Phrases = bannersPhrases.Select(x=>x.Phrase).Skip(10).Take(10).ToArray()
If you are doing paging and you just want to skip to a particular page you can use Skip
and Take
as described in some of the other answers. However, if you want group the entire sequence into chunks of a particular size you can use GroupBy
instead. Here is a small example:
var groupSize = 4;
// The characters 'a' - 'z'.
var source = Enumerable.Range(0, 26).Select(i => (Char) ('a' + i));
var groups = source
.Select((x, i) => new { Item = x, Index = i })
.GroupBy(x => x.Index/groupSize, x => x.Item);
foreach (var group in groups)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", group.Key, String.Join(", ", group));
The output is:
0: a, b, c, d 1: e, f, g, h 2: i, j, k, l 3: m, n, o, p 4: q, r, s, t 5: u, v, w, x 6: y, z
You can use Skip extension method
Phrases = bannersPhrases.Select(x=>x.Phrase).Skip(10).Take(10).ToArray()
var total = bannersPhrases.Select(p => p.Phrase).Count();
var pageSize = 10; // set your page size, which is number of records per page
var page = 1; // set current page number, must be >= 1 (ideally this value will be passed to this logic/function from outside)
var skip = pageSize * (page-1);
var canPage = skip < total;
if (!canPage) // do what you wish if you can page no further
Phrases = bannersPhrases.Select(p => p.Phrase)