Basically, growl notifications (or other callbacks) when tests break or pass. Does anything like this exist?
If not, it should be pretty easy to wri
Maybe buildbot would be useful
autonose created by gfxmonk:
Autonose is an autotest-like tool for python, using the excellent nosetest library.
autotest tracks filesystem changes and automatically re-run any changed tests or dependencies whenever a file is added, removed or updated. A file counts as changed if it has iself been modified, or if any file it
s has changed....
Autonose currently has a native GUI for OSX and GTK. If neither of those are available to you, you can instead run the console version (with the --console option).
Check out pytddmon. Here is a video demonstration of how to use it:
Guard is an excellent tool that monitors for file changes and triggers tasks automatically. It's written in Ruby, but it can be used as a standalone tool for any task like this. There's a guard-nosetests plugin to run Python tests via nose.
Guard supports cross-platform notifications (Linux, OSX, Windows), including Growl, as well as many other great features. One of my can't-live-without dev tools.
I just found this:
I'm currently using, but as my current project transitions from a small project to a medium sized one, I've been looking for something that can do a bit more thorough dependency analysis, and with a few tweaks, I got modipyd up and running pretty quickly.
Django's development server has a file change monitor that watches for modifications and automatically reloads itself. You could re-use this code to launch unit tests on file modification.