I wrote myself a little downloading application so that I could easily grab a set of files from my server and put them all onto a new pc with a clean install of Windows, wi
You should try using the File System Object or FSO. There are many methods belonging to this object that check if folders exist as well as creating new folders.
Since the question didn't specify .NET, this should work in VBScript or VB6.
Dim objFSO, strFolder
strFolder = "C:\Temp"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strFolder) Then
End If
Try this: Directory.Exists(TheFolderName)
and Directory.CreateDirectory(TheFolderName)
(You may need: Imports System.IO
Just do this:
Dim sPath As String = "Folder path here"
If (My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(sPath) = False) Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(sPath + "/<Folder name>")
'Something else happens, because the folder exists
End If
I declared the folder path as a String (sPath) so that way if you do use it multiple times it can be changed easily but also it can be changed through the program itself.
Hope it helps!
Directory.CreateDirectory() should do it. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.directory.createdirectory(VS.71).aspx
Also, in Vista, you probably cannot write into C: directly unless you run it as an admin, so you might just want to bypass that and create the dir you want in a sub-dir of C: (which i'd say is a good practice to be followed anyways. -- its unbelievable how many people just dump crap onto C:
Hope that helps.
If Not Directory.Exists(somePath) then
End If