When I create preference activity I define all preferences in xml file. Every preference has a key defined in this xml. But when I access preference I write:
Try getString(R.string.key_defined_in_xml)
As far as I know there's no better way of referencing preference keys (aside from maybe using a static final String to store the string on the class).
The example given in the SDK docs does the same as what you've given in your example,
Not sure if this post need another answer, put i end up to it like this:
-Extend all the Preference needed and add this code
final static private int[] ATTR_INDEX = {android.R.attr.id};
private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes){
if(attrs == null) return;
AttributeReader attributes = new AttributeReader().setAttrsIndex(ATTR_INDEX).parse(attrs);
int id = attributes.asResourceID(0);
And finally to get back the value,
SharedPreferences SP = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getContext()); String preference_1 = SP.getString(AppContext.getIdentifierName(R.id.pref_key_1), null);
This way, you don't have to create a string file who need to be maintain, just create any id on the fly. But you need to be familiar with extending a view and get read the attr to find what you want (Here the id attribute)
I've found that it's possible to store keys in strings.xml and refer to them from preferences.xml just like all other values android:key="@string/preference_enable"
In code you can refer to key by typing getString(R.string.preference_enable)
You can mark the string to not be translated using a <xliff:g>
tag. See Localization Checklist
<string name="preference_enable"><xliff:g id="preference_key">enable</xliff:g></string>
You could use a "keys.xml" files in "res/values", but should put something like this, this way you should dont have problem when you are using multiple languages:
<string name="key1">key1</string>
<string name="key2">key2</string>
Then you could reference it like a normal string in xml:
or in your java code for example:
SwitchPreference Pref1= (SwitchPreference) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(getString(R.string.key1));
In strings.xml mark the key as untranslatable:
<string name="screw_spacing_key" translatable="false">Screw spacing</string>
<string name="screw_spacing_title">Screw spacing</string>
<string name="screw_spacing_summary">Set screw spacing</string>
See: Configure untranslatable rows