I read my Docker container log output using
docker logs -f
I log lots of data to the log in my node.js app via call
In order to do this on OSX, you need to get to the virtual machine the Docker containers are running in.
You can use the walkerlee/nsenter image to run commands inside the VM like so:
docker run --rm -it --privileged --pid=host walkerlee/nsenter -t 1 -m -u -i -n sh
Combining that with a simplified version of the accepted answer you get:
docker run --rm -it --privileged --pid=host walkerlee/nsenter -t 1 -m -u -i -n \
cp /dev/null $(docker inspect -f '{{.LogPath}}' $1)
Save it, chmod +x
it, run it.
As far as I can tell this doesn't require the container to be stopped. Also, it clears out the log file (instead of deleting it) avoiding errors when doing docker logs
right after cleanup.