I\'m trying to call view method from controller, but no idea how to do this. From view I can easily call controller method like this.get(\'controller\').send(\'method\
This sounds like a good use for Ember.Evented
. By using event subscription and dispatching you can avoid coupling your view and controller.
Simply mixin Ember.Evented
Controller = Ember.Controller.extend(Ember.Evented)
Now you can call on
and trigger
methods on your controller, to subscribe to an event and then to kick off the event. So, in your view you might do:
didInsertElement: function () {
this.get('controller').on('loginDidFail', this, this.loginFail);
And then in your controller call this.trigger('loginDidFail')
to kick off your loginFail
view method.
Remember to remove the handler after the view is dismissed... see the answer below.