I was reading http://www.haskellforall.com/2013/06/from-zero-to-cooperative-threads-in-33.html where an abstract syntax tree is derived as the free monad of a functor repres
There is a deep and 'simple' connection.
It's a consequence of adjoint functor theorem, left adjoints preserve initial objects: L 0 ≅ 0
Categorically, Free f
is a functor from a category to its F-algebras (Free f
is left adjoint to a forgetful functor going the other way 'round). Working in Hask our initial algebra is Void
Free f Void ≅ 0
and the initial algebra in the category of F-algebras is Fix f
: Free f Void ≅ Fix f
import Data.Void
import Control.Monad.Free
free2fix :: Functor f => Free f Void -> Fix f
free2fix (Pure void) = absurd void
free2fix (Free body) = Fix (free2fix <$> body)
fixToFree :: Functor f => Fix f -> Free f Void
fixToFree (Fix body) = Free (fixToFree <$> body)
Similarly, right adjoints (Cofree f
, a functor from Hask to the category of F-coalgebras) preserves final objects: R 1 ≅ 1
In Hask this is unit: ()
and the final object of F-coalgebras is also Fix f
(they coincide in Hask) so we get: Cofree f () ≅ Fix f
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
cofree2fix :: Functor f => Cofree f () -> Fix f
cofree2fix (() :< body) = Fix (cofree2fix <$> body)
fixToCofree :: Functor f => Fix f -> Cofree f ()
fixToCofree (Fix body) = () :< (fixToCofree <$> body)
Just look how similar the definitions are!
newtype Fix f
= Fix (f (Fix f))
Fix f
is Free f
with no variables.
data Free f a
= Pure a
| Free (f (Free f a))
Fix f
is Cofree f
with dummy values.
data Cofree f a
= a <: f (Cofree f a)
(N.B. this combines a bit from both mine and @Gabriel's comments above.)
It's possible for every inhabitant of the Fix
ed point of a Functor
to be infinite, i.e. let x = (Fix (Id x)) in x === (Fix (Id (Fix (Id ...))))
is the only inhabitant of Fix Identity
. Free
differs immediately from Fix
in that it ensures there is at least one finite inhabitant of Free f
. In fact, if Fix f
has any infinite inhabitants then Free f
has infinitely many finite inhabitants.
Another immediate side-effect of this unboundedness is that Functor f => Fix f
isn't a Functor
anymore. We'd need to implement fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
, but Fix
has "filled all the holes" in f a
that used to contain the a
, so we no longer have any a
s to apply our fmap
'd function to.
This is important for creating Monad
s because we'd like to implement return :: a -> Free f a
and have, say, this law hold fmap f . return = return . f
, but it doesn't even make sense in a Functor f => Fix f
So how does Free
"fix" these Fix
ed point foibles? It "augments" our base functor with the Pure
constructor. Thus, for all Functor f
, Pure :: a -> Free f a
. This is our guaranteed-to-be-finite inhabitant of the type. It also immediately gives us a well-behaved definition of return
return = Pure
So you might think of this addition as taking out potentially infinite "tree" of nested Functor
s created by Fix
and mixing in some number of "living" buds, represented by Pure
. We create new buds using return
which might be interpreted as a promise to "return" to that bud later and add more computation. In fact, that's exactly what flip (>>=) :: (a -> Free f b) -> (Free f a -> Free f b)
does. Given a "continuation" function f :: a -> Free f b
which can be applied to types a
, we recurse down our tree returning to each Pure a
and replacing it with the continuation computed as f a
. This lets us "grow" our tree.
Now, Free
is clearly more general than Fix
. To drive this home, it's possible to see any type Functor f => Fix f
as a subtype of the corresponding Free f a
! Simply choose a ~ Void
where we have data Void = Void Void
(i.e., a type that cannot be constructed, is the empty type, has no instances).
To make it more clear, we can break our Fix
'd Functor
s with break :: Fix f -> Free f a
and then try to invert it with affix :: Free f Void -> Fix f
break (Fix f) = Free (fmap break f)
affix (Free f) = Fix (fmap affix f)
Note first that affix
does not need to handle the Pure x
case because in this case x :: Void
and thus cannot really be there, so Pure x
is absurd and we'll just ignore it.
Also note that break
's return type is a little subtle since the a
type only appears in the return type, Free f a
, such that it's completely inaccessible to any user of break
. "Completely inaccessible" and "cannot be instantiated" give us the first hint that, despite the types, affix
and break
are inverses, but we can just prove it.
(break . affix) (Free f)
=== [definition of affix]
break (Fix (fmap affix f))
=== [definition of break]
Free (fmap break (fmap affix f))
=== [definition of (.)]
Free ( (fmap break . fmap affix) f )
=== [functor coherence laws]
Free (fmap (break . affix) f)
which should show (co-inductively, or just intuitively, perhaps) that (break . affix)
is an identity. The other direction goes through in a completely identical fashion.
So, hopefully this shows that Free f
is larger than Fix f
for all Functor f
So why ever use Fix
? Well, sometimes you only want the properties of Free f Void
due to some side effect of layering f
s. In this case, calling it Fix f
makes it more clear that we shouldn't try to (>>=)
or fmap
over the type. Furthermore, since Fix
is just a newtype
it might be easier for the compiler to "compile away" layers of Fix
since it only plays a semantic role anyway.
and forall a. a
are isomorphic types in order to see more clearly how the types of affix
and break
are harmonious. For instance, we have absurd :: Void -> a
as absurd (Void v) = absurd v
and unabsurd :: (forall a. a) -> Void
as unabsurd a = a
. But these get a little silly.