When I was learning PHP, I read somewhere that you should always use the upper case versions of booleans, TRUE
, because the \"normal\" lo
I came across this old question while asking myself the same thing. Good point with define('TRUE', false);define('FALSE', true); Doesn't apply to php5 though. Writing those lines in a php5 code is like writing a comment.
Here is my TEST on Windows 7x64bit Apache/2.4.9 PHP/5.5.14
$blockLimit = 50;
while($blockLimit > 0): $blockLimit--;
//STAR Here ================================================
$msc = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++) {
echo (FALSE);
echo 'FALSE took ' . number_format(microtime(true)-$msc,4) . " Seconds\r\n";
$msc = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++) {
echo (false);
echo 'false took ' . number_format(microtime(true)-$msc,4) . " Seconds\r\n";
echo "\r\n --- \r\n";
//Shutdown ==================================================
This time FALSE won 20 times. So uppercase is faster in my environment.
If you intend to use JSON, then RFC7159 says:
The literal names MUST be lowercase. No other literal names are allowed.
From the list of backward incompatible changes in PHP 5.6:
json_decode() now rejects non-lowercase variants of the JSON literals true, false and null at all times, as per the JSON specification
According to PSR-2 standard:
PHP keywords MUST be in lower case.
The PHP constants true, false, and null MUST be in lower case.
I am years late to the party but wanted to mention something interesting that isn't in the thread yet. Today I discovered True
is also valid, not just true
. All spellings are equivalent. This is relevant because of the Open API generator for PHP, it uses True
. (Which led me to a bewildered state of mind and a search which found this page).
I've written simple code to check the differences between false and FALSE: Each iteration was doing something that:
for ($i = 0; $i < self::ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
(0 == FALSE) ;
Here are the results:
Iterations: 100000000
using 'FALSE': 25.427761077881 sec
using 'false': 25.01614689827 sec
So we can see that performance is very slightly touched by the booleans case - lowercase is faster. But certainly you won't see.