Our whiteboard is broken down into these columns:
Story, Not Started, Req/Des/Dev*, Peer Review, QA, Done
The highest priority stories go from top to bottom.
Each story can have multiple tasks so we use a big postit for the story and smaller ones for the tasks. Tasks move from left to right. Every day we check to make sure we're working on the highest priority stories.
We use a sticky white tab on each task where the person working on it puts their initials. When they're done and move it along a new white tab is placed over the old one to show it's available to anyone to pick up. When all the tasks are done, the story is moved to the Done column also and at the standup, all Done work is tallied up and moved up the board to make room at the bottom for more stories.
We also have colored tabs for the stories and tasks to indicate blockages to progress (blue indicating a blockage from another team, red requesting scrum master assistance). We talk about the roadblocks at each standup.
We can see when there is too many tasks in one particular column and shift emphasis to get more to Done. We deliberately added the review column to emphasize that the work needed reviewed by someone other than the person doing it before it got to QA.