I have a web app where if a user clicks on a link it should open up a map. The best solution that I can think of is to open up a new tab/window to google maps using the
Here's my jQuery solution for this issue. I wanted to be able to detect the correct map to open up. In 2019, microformats still don't automatically make a link for mobile phones.
I used the solution from this article https://medium.com/@colinlord/opening-native-map-apps-from-the-mobile-browser-afd66fbbb8a4 but modified it to make it current and dynamic.
And, modified the code so I could have an address block in my html. That address is stripped to the basics and sent to the appropriate maps app.
<span class="map-link">6555 Hollywood Blvd<br/>Hollywood, CA 90028</span>
$(document).on('click','.map-link',function() {
var address = $(this).html();
address = $('<div/>')
.text() // strip tags
.replace(/\s\s+/g, " "); // remove spaces
address = encodeURIComponent(address);
if ((navigator.platform.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) || (navigator.platform.indexOf('iPad') != -1) || (navigator.platform.indexOf('iPod') != -1)){/* if we're on iOS, open in Apple Maps */
window.open('http://maps.apple.com/?q=' + address);
} else { /* else use Google */
window.open('https://maps.google.com/maps?q=' + address);
.map-link { text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: dotted;cursor: pointer ;}
.map-link:hover { text-decoration-style:solid;}