Actually, I've refactored my algorithm some more. There were several correct combinations I was missing, and it was due to the fact that I was returning as soon as the cost went over 15.05 -- I wasn't bothering to check other (cheaper) items that I could add. Here's my new algorithm:
<cffunction name="testCombo" returntype="numeric">
<cfargument name="currentCombo" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="currentTotal" type="numeric" required="true" />
<cfargument name="apps" type="array" required="true" />
<cfset var a = 0 />
<cfset var found = false />
<cfset var CC = "" />
<cfset var CT = 0 />
<cfset tries = tries + 1 />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(arguments.apps)#" index="a">
<cfset combos = combos + 1 />
<cfset CC = listAppend(arguments.currentCombo, arguments.apps[a].name) />
<cfset CT = arguments.currentTotal + arguments.apps[a].cost />
<cfif CT eq 15.05>
<!--- print current combo --->
<cfoutput><strong>#CC# = 15.05</strong></cfoutput><br />
<cfreturn true />
<cfelseif CT gt 15.05>
<!--<cfoutput>#arguments.currentCombo# > 15.05 (aborting)</cfoutput><br />-->
<!--- less than 15.50 --->
<!--<cfoutput>#arguments.currentCombo# < 15.05 (traversing)</cfoutput><br />-->
<cfset found = testCombo(CC, CT, arguments.apps) />
<cfreturn found />
<cfset mf = {name="Mixed Fruit", cost=2.15} />
<cfset ff = {name="French Fries", cost=2.75} />
<cfset ss = {name="side salad", cost=3.35} />
<cfset hw = {name="hot wings", cost=3.55} />
<cfset ms = {name="moz sticks", cost=4.20} />
<cfset sp = {name="sampler plate", cost=5.80} />
<cfset apps = [ mf, ff, ss, hw, ms, sp ] />
<cfset tries = 0 />
<cfset combos = 0 />
<cfloop from="1" to="6" index="b">
#testCombo(apps[b].name, apps[b].cost, apps)#
<br />
tries: #tries#<br />
combos: #combos#
Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit = 15.05
Mixed Fruit,hot wings,hot wings,sampler plate = 15.05
Mixed Fruit,hot wings,sampler plate,hot wings = 15.05
Mixed Fruit,sampler plate,hot wings,hot wings = 15.05
false false false hot wings,Mixed Fruit,hot wings,sampler plate = 15.05
hot wings,Mixed Fruit,sampler plate,hot wings = 15.05
hot wings,hot wings,Mixed Fruit,sampler plate = 15.05
hot wings,sampler plate,Mixed Fruit,hot wings = 15.05
false false sampler plate,Mixed Fruit,hot wings,hot wings = 15.05
sampler plate,hot wings,Mixed Fruit,hot wings = 15.05
tries: 2014
combos: 12067
I think this may have all of the correct combinations, but my question still stands: Is there a better algorithm?