What Powershell pitfalls you have fall into? :-)
Mine are:
# -----------------------------------
function foo()
# Expected 1, a
# $x is not defined
[70]: $x -lt 0
[71]: [int]$x -eq 0
So, what's $x..?
This one has tripped me up before, using $o.SomeProperty where it should be $($o.SomeProperty).
or $input
and with respect to the begin
, process
, and end
blocks.I discuss these points and more at length in my Simple-Talk.com article Down the Rabbit Hole- A Study in PowerShell Pipelines, Functions, and Parameters and also provide an accompanying wallchart--here is a glimpse showing the various calling syntax pitfalls for a function taking 3 arguments:
These points are expounded upon in my Simple-Talk.com article Further Down the Rabbit Hole: PowerShell Modules and Encapsulation.
Dot-sourcing a file inside a script using a relative path is relative to your current directory -- not the directory where the script resides!
To be relative to the script use this function to locate your script directory: [Update for PowerShell V3+: Just use the builtin $PSScriptRoot
function Get-ScriptDirectory
{ Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path }
Modules must be stored as ...Modules\name\name.psm1
or ...\Modules\any_subpath\name\name.psm1
. That is, you cannot just use ...Modules\name.psm1
-- the name of the immediate parent of the module must match the base name of the module. This chart shows the various failure modes when this rule is violated:
Simple-Talk.com just published the last of my triumvirate of in-depth articles on PowerShell pitfalls. The first two parts are in the form of a quiz that helps you appreciate a select group of pitfalls; the last part is a wallchart (albeit it would need a rather high-ceilinged room) containing 36 of the most common pitfalls (some adapted from answers on this page), giving concrete examples and workarounds for most. Read more here.