What Powershell pitfalls you have fall into? :-)
Mine are:
# -----------------------------------
function foo()
# Expected 1, a
Mine are both related to file copying...
Square Brackets in File Names
I once had to move a very large/complicated folder structure using Move-Item -Path C:\Source -Destination C:\Dest
. At the end of the process there were still a number of files in source directory. I noticed that every remaining file had square brackets in the name.
The problem was that the -Path
parameter treats square brackets as wildcards.
EG. If you wanted to copy Log001 to Log200, you could use square brackets as follows:
Move-Item -Path C:\Source\Log[001-200].log
In my case, to avoid square brackets being interpreted as wildcards, I should have used the -LiteralPath
The $ErrorActionPreference
variable is ignored when using Move-Item
and Copy-Item
with the -Verbose
Forgetting that $_ gets overwritten in blocks made me scratch my head in confusion a couple times, and similarly for multiple reg-ex matches and the $matches array. >.<
# The pipeline doesn't enumerate hashtables.
$ht = @{"foo" = 1; "bar" = 2}
$ht | measure
# Workaround: call GetEnumerator
$ht.GetEnumerator() | measure
There are some tricks to building command lines for utilities that were not built with Powershell in mind:
& 7zip.exe
# Executing a string with a space.
& 'c:\path with spaces\command with spaces.exe'
# Executing a string with a space, after first saving it in a variable.
$a = 'c:\path with spaces\command with spaces.exe'
& $a
C:\Path\utility.exe '/parameter1' 'Value #1' 1234567890
$b = 'string with spaces and special characters (-/&)'
utility.exe $b
$c = @('Value #1', $Value2)
utility.exe $c
# Saving output as a string to a variable.
$output = ping.exe example.com | Out-String
# Piping the output.
ping stackoverflow.com | where { $_ -match '^reply' }
# Using Start-Process affords the most control.
Start-Process -Wait SomeExecutable.com
Functions 'foo' and 'bar' looks equivalent.
function foo() { $null }
function bar() { }
(foo) -eq $null
# True
(bar) -eq $null
# True
foo | %{ "foo" }
# Prints: foo
bar | %{ "bar" }
Returning $null and returning nothing is not equivalent dealing with pipes.
This one is inspired by Keith Hill example...
function bar() {}
$list = @(foo)
# Prints: 0
# Now let's try the same but with a temporal variable.
$tmp = foo
$list = @($tmp)
# Prints: 1
Another fun one. Not handling an expression by default writes it to the pipeline. Really annoying when you don't realize a particular function returns a value.
function example() {
param ( $p1 ) {
if ( $p1 ) {
PS> example $true