The following code initializes a leaflet map. The initialize function centers the map based on user location. How do I change the center of the map to a new position after c
Use map.panTo();
does not do anything if the point is in the current view. Use map.setView()
I had a polyline and I had to center map to a new point in polyline at every second. Check the code : GOOD:
mymap.setView(point, 11, { animation: true });
You can also use:
map.setView(new L.LatLng(40.737, -73.923), 8);
It just depends on what behavior you want. map.panTo()
will pan to the location with zoom/pan animation, while map.setView()
immediately set the new view to the desired location/zoom level.
You could also use:
var latLon = L.latLng(40.737, -73.923);
var bounds = latLon.toBounds(500); // 500 = metres
This will set the view level to fit the bounds in the map leaflet.
For example:
map.panTo(new L.LatLng(40.737, -73.923));