I accidentally created a file with no extension and I chose the wrong file type association. Text Document I think. I renamed it to have the .js extension which is what I
On Windows 8, I was able to remove the invalid association by going under File > Settings > Editor > File Types, then I selected "Text files" as the Recognised File Type and removed the invalid entry from the Registered Patterns block at the bottom.
So much answers and everything is close but no one as in my case.
A had an issue with .vue files. My old PHpStorm version did not track the .vue files, so I somehow associated them as .js files. However, this was a mistake because the syntax is different and I saw a lot of "mistakes" in the code.
Yeah, the solution is really in Settings (or Preferences for mac) > Editor > File Types dialogue. In the window you can see the list of possible associations. At the very bottom of the list you'll see the Vue.js Templates and I had no associations in the bottom window (see the pic), so I manually added *.vue association after clicking green "+".
I think this would be right for any proper file type added to PHPStorm. However, you can add your own file type.
I've had this problem in php storm 8.0.3 on OSX.
I was struggling with a single file that had been added as a text file, but I'd typed in the .js extension.
I tried deleting and recreating, renaming and renaming back, deleting .idea altogether. Nothing worked.
I found that PHPStorm had added the entire file name to the list of patterns for a text file.
... etc
This was obviously overriding all other settings. And futhermore it was in the IDE Config not the project config. So I'm guessing every other project would have suffered the same issue.
Once I knew where to look it was easily fixed.
Navigate to:
PhpStorm > Preferences > Editor > File Types > <highlight> Text files
Then find myfile.js
in the Registered Patterns
panel and delete it.
The file should immediately assume it's correct association.
After like an hour of searching and screwing around I found a fix:
I renamed the file (through the refactor command) to a temporary file name. Then I created a new file with the correct name with the .js extension and it worked, then I copied the code from the original to the newly created file with the correct extension.
I imagine selecting "new javascript file" and doing the same thing would also work.
This works in PHPStorm, i can assume in WebStorm should be something similar
Go to Preferences directory Here is how to find for your OS https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544519-Directories-used-by-the-IDE-to-store-settings-caches-plugins-and-logs
Find a file YOUR_PREFERENCES_DIRECTORY/options/filetypes.xml
Edit it with any text editor and delete needed row, for example
<mapping pattern="delete.yaml" type="PLAIN_TEXT" />
Top Menu File->Invalidate Caches / Restart
Go to Settings->File Types and then click on "Text Files". You should see the file if you scroll down. You can then remove it with the association by selecting it and clicking the - (minus) button