What is the best way to generate a random DateTime in Ruby/Rails? Trying to create a nice seeds.rb file. Going to use it like so:
Foo.create(name: Faker::Lo
You can pass Time Range to rand
Output Example:
=> Fri, 10 Jan 2020 10:28:52 WIB +07:00
My 'ish' gem provides a nice way of handling this:
# plus/minus 5 min of input date
# override that time range like this
Time.now.ish(:offset => 1.year)
Here is how to create a date in the last 10 years:
You can also get a date in the future:
Rails 4.1 has deprecated the implicit conversion from Numeric => seconds when you call .ago
, which the above code depends on. See Rails PR #12389 for more information about this. To avoid a deprecation warning in Rails 4.1 you need to do an explicit conversion to seconds, like so:
This is what I use:
# get random DateTime in last 3 weeks
DateTime.now - (rand * 21)
I haven't tried this myself but you could create a random integer between two dates using the number of seconds since epoch. For example, to get a random date for the last week.
end = Time.now
start = (end - 1.week).to_i
random_date = Time.at(rand(end.to_i - start)) + start
Of course you end up with a Time object instead of a DateTime but I'm sure you can covert from here.
I prefer use (1..500).to_a.rand.days.ago