I am trying to copy files from one folder to another folder using Gulp:
return gulp.src([
I use gulp-flatten and use this configuration:
var gulp = require('gulp'),
gulpFlatten = require('gulp-flatten');
var routeSources = {
dist: './public/',
app: './app/',
html_views: {
path: 'app/views/**/*.*',
dist: 'public/views/'
gulp.task('copy-html-views', task_Copy_html_views);
function task_Copy_html_views() {
return gulp.src([routeSources.html_views.path])
.pipe(gulpFlatten({ includeParents: 1 }))
And there you can see the documentation about gulp-flatten: Link
return gulp
.src([ 'source/**'], { base: './' })
Your own code didn't include the entire dir tree of source 'source/**'
and the base {base:'./'}
when calling to gulp.src
which caused the function to fail.
The other parts where fine.
return gulp.src([
To achieve this please specify base
¶ base - Specify the folder relative to the cwd. Default is where the glob begins. This is used to determine the file names when saving in
In your case it would be:
return gulp.src([
], {base: './source/'})
Folder structure:
├── gulpfile.js
├── source
│ ├── css
│ └── other
│ └── css
└── public
└── assets